After Election Day
Hamilton Nolan, posted on in: In the News.
~157 words, about a 1 min read.
Don't cross the picket line. Don't use any New York Times websites or products today.
The New York Times Company would have you believe that these workers, by striking on election day, are selfishly putting at risk something more important (reading NYT stories about the election) for something less important (a union contract). In fact, the opposite is true. The union that is now on the picket line is one of the very few large, active unions of tech workers in the United States of America.
Unionized the tech industry—the richest industry in America, and one almost completely free of the influence of organized labor—will do more to determine the future path of the class war in this country than ten thousand New York Times stories will. This union winning this contract and laying the groundwork to push unionization further into the most powerful industry in the country is the important thing here.
— Via Hamilton Nolan, After Election Day