

  1. Greetings from Tromaville! ★★★½
    May 28, 2019
  2. Demon ★★★★
    May 26, 2019
  3. Brain Dead ★★★
    May 21, 2019
  4. Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror ★★★★½
    May 20, 2019
  5. The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley ★★★★½
    May 14, 2019
  6. Razorback ★★★½
    April 10, 2019
  7. The Craft ★★★
    April 9, 2019
  8. The Hunger ★★½
    April 1, 2019
  9. Tales from the Crypt ★★★
    April 1, 2019
  10. Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight ★★½
    April 1, 2019