
Superhuman by Party Favor and K.Flay

posted on in: Music.

I've long been a fan of K.Flay's work. She's always been a pretty unique voice. When I first started listening to her in April 2012 (after a recommendation from my little sister) she was generally considered to be nerdcore. Even then she was much closer to a traditional rap artist than the rest of that crowd. She's come a long way since then. Her work has generally become increasingly personal, occasionally political and harder to classify.

I don't know much about Party Favor. I'll have to look into their music a little more, but he's layed down a pretty great beat here. The lyrics hit on some of the themes Flay has proven a particularly adept lyricist on: how to handle our own flaws, how to live in a world that isn't always fair, and how to deal with her limits. I find it particularly effective with her relatively light touch of a delivery here.

I suspect the themes of this track hit a little closer to home for Flay now. Her most recent album MONO follows up on an announcement that she lost her hearing in one ear. A song about the way we can hit our limits both for better and worse feels close to what she's dealing with. Even more remarkable that this manages to hit me right in the feels while still being catchy as hell. That chorus just hits right every time.

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