
Texting & Driving by GUPPY

posted on in: Music.

This is such a weird song to love, but it is just so toe-tappingly good. Every time I hear it I perk up. I've been trying to explore more of Guppy's discography but this is such a stand out for me.

I love how the song is paced, I love that it has a pick up instead of a drop and the lyrical flow is fantastic. I think there are some extremely choice rhymes here that just elevate the whole operation to make this song nearly addictive.

There's a lot of fun little couplets that pop out irresistibly. Especially the chorus. The way it ends with an 'Oh no'. I love it. The whole thing feels like an extremely modern version of CAKE's "Short Skirt/Long Jacket", the immense sense of sarcasm that winds through both songs joins their together spiritually.

Also, cannot lie, I love the background screaming under "I chose to believe them". What a sound! What a choice! Love it.

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