
Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World Highlight

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The corporate press (a repentant Hearst in particular) became increasingly hysterical, trying its best to marginalize the Reds as enemies of America and its people. But the press was a relatively weak tool, as Hoover found out during the run-up to the stock-market crash. What the ruling class needed to do was the same thing its enemies in the working class were doing: organize. “The radicals almost, almost took over,” recalled Bill Camp. “That caused the Associated Farmers to [come to] be.”49 With a name that evokes both Stanford’s Associates and Hoover’s associative state, the Associated Farmers of California (AFC) was a standing committee of California capitalists that existed to coordinate extralegal anticommunist activities in the agriculture industry and beyond.

— Malcolm Harris

Replicated under Fair Use from Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World by Malcolm Harris.