Don't Post AI at Me
posted on in: ai, tech and social media.
~543 words, about a 3 min read.
This keeps happening and I am seeing it happen to others more and more, so I wanted to write a quick note about it.
If you reply to any post, tweet or question of mine with any version of 'Well I asked this question to an AI and here's a screenshot / copy-paste of its reply'... fuck you, go to hell.
If I wanted to ask AI a question, I would. I am perfectly capable of using AI agent queries myself if I want to. The point of making a post and inviting responses is to talk with other humans and invite a congenial conversation between peers. This is a human space for humans. I didn't invite AI and you don't get to backdoor its bullshit in. You get one strike. The next time you post AI at me I block you.
When you post AI at me what you are telling me is:
- You don't respect me enough to think about what you are going to say.
- You don't even care enough about having a conversation to actually parse the response and figure out a way to type it.
It's fundamentally disrespectful to me and a waste of my time and yours. It is even worse than that, because it sabotages any argument anyway:
When you post AI at me, the other thing you are often doing is engaging in the argument from authority fallacy and implying that you don't actually have credibility but the AI does. That has a whole bunch of problems. For one, if you don't have the authority to be speaking on this, why should I listen to you? Then there is the question of if you can even formulate a prompt effectively if you don't even have the confidence in your own knowledge on this subject to speak for yourself.
Finally, there is the biggest problem om pretending the chat system is an expert: the AI is not an authority. The systems we call AI make things up, they make mistakes, they have no internal mechanisms that incentivize them not to lie to you. When you repeat their answer in to a conversation you are not trustworthy because the AI is not trustworthy. These systems are not designed to be trusted. Even worse are the people who realize this and are just trying to smuggle their opinions in as if they are authoritative. It's gross. I don't like it. At the end of the day it makes you look bad at best and malicious at worst. It always makes you look disrespectful and foolish.
I'm not a moron, I don't need you to AI Summarize and article, or AI Pseudo Code it, or AI Make Up an Answer. I also can use ChatGPT et al for free. If I wanted to talk to an AI agent, I would do that, I wouldn't ask you to do it for me. You've lost the point of human interaction. You've completely missed the whole idea of why we talk to each other. You're failing society and I'm going to start becoming concerned about what your values are.
Don't post AI at me.