

  1. OK, WTF Is 'Longtermism', the Tech Elite Ideology That Led to the FTX Colla amplify
    August 29, 2024
  2. Why longtermism is the world’s most dangerous secular credo | Aeon Essays amplify
    August 29, 2024
  3. Worshiping the elevated rational choices of the rich is no way to a better amplify
    August 29, 2024
  4. Effective Altruist Leaders Were Warned About Sam Bankman-Fried Years Before amplify
    August 29, 2024
  5. Welcome to the Age of Technofeudalism | WIRED amplify
    August 29, 2024
  6. My New Band Is: Slate Star Clusterfuck amplify
    August 29, 2024
  7. Mouthbreathing Machiavellis Dream of a Silicon Reich amplify
    August 29, 2024
  8. LambdaConf Fuckery: White Supremacy Under the Guise of “Inclusion” | Model amplify
    August 29, 2024
  9. Ethicswishing amplify
    August 29, 2024
  10. Slate Star Codex and Silicon Valley’s War Against the Media | The New Yorke amplify
    August 29, 2024