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The Point of Elon Musk is What He Does

posted on in: tech, politics and culture.
~508 words, about a 3 min read.

I mean, I believe the racism-is-funny-forum-bullshit is what was in his head, but how long do you think you get to do 4chn Nazi posting and play acting before you are just a Nazi? Posting a Hitler meme from anon on a forum for lols is bad taste, doing it for a presidential inauguration is just being a Nazi.

Practicing Nazi aesthetics is just being a Nazi. The impact these things make is the execution of Nazism. 4chn making this a systematic part of its culture is indoctrination. "The point of the system is what it does"

When you are Jewish & in these corners of the internet, the thing you learn quickly is that people pretending they are superior, genetically better and doing antisemitism 'for the lols'... are just being Nazis. The idea that eventually this has an end point is contradictory to Spencer joining in. The Nazis know who he is.

People performing Nazi for social approval have motivations indistinguishable from most historical brownshirts. The forum irony culture is irrelevant when they are posting keks and laughing at Musk while he's supporting an administration that is sending people to prison camps.

Swisher is always looking for excuses because after paling around with these people for over a decade she can't square them going Nazi. But don't give them an excuse like she does. Call it by its name: Musk is a neo-Nazi. It's that simple. Their reasoning isn't an excuse.

Musk did a Nazi salute b/c he thinks he's better than you, smarter, deserving of being an unelected leader, genetically superior, and deserving of the spread of his eugenics program and racial superiority. He pals around with Nazi-types. He runs racist corporate environments. He is racist. He hates trans people. He prefers a labor camp-style model of labor. He thinks he can and should manipulate the electorate to his ends. He spreads antisemitic conspiracy theories. He's misogynist. He wants people who disagree to be afraid to be opposed to him. There's a word for all that: Nazi.

If he thinks he's all that because he wants to be the hero to a bunch of losers on 4chan or because he thinks Hitler is philosophically great is fking irrelevant and not worth considering.

Adapted from my original bluesky thread.

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This page was first added to the repository on January 23, 2025 in commit bdad3884 and has since been amended once. View the source on GitHub.

  1. Slight update to add video and additional link
  2. The point of elon is what he does