Watched Film and TV
What I've been watching lately
- The Ballad of Ride the Cyclone (2024) ★★★★½
- Mass (2021) ★★★★★
- The Advent Calendar (2021) ★★★½
- Venom: The Last Dance (2024) ★★½
- Before I Wake (2016) ★★★½
- Heretic (2024) ★★★
It's hard to watch this and not think
- There's a chunk missing
- They're setting up a prequel
- Free Willy (1993) ★★★
- Conclave (2024) ★★★★½
- 1978 (2024) ★★★½
- Absentia (2011) ★★★½
- Salem's Lot (2024) ★★½
- Founders Day (2023) ★★★
- May (2002) ★★★½
- Roman (2006) ★★★
- Howling III: The Marsupials (1987) ★★½
- Tusk (2014) ★★★
- Yoga Hosers (2016) ★★½
- Frankie Freako (2024) ★★★½
- Apartment 7A (2024) ★★★
Very pretty, some good performances, needed a rewrite on the plot side.
- Bedazzled (2000) ★★★★
This was really sweet actually, especially for a film involving the devil.
- The Substance (2024) ★★★★★
- In Her Skin (2009) ★★★
- Seven Stages to Achieve Eternal Bliss (2018) ★★★
- Perfect Blue (1997) ★★★★½
- Woman of the Hour (2023) ★★★½
- Campfire Tales (1997) ★★½
- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) ★★★★★
So great to see this with a live score!
- One Fine Day (1996) ★★★
- Stream (2024) ★★½
I dunno man, maybe hire out for a writer next time.
- Nightwatch (1997) ★★½
- Drácula (1931) ★★★★
Renfield is amazing in this!
- House of the Dead (2003) ★½
first of all: there is no house in this film
- Beetlejuice (1988) ★★★★½
- Paprika (2006) ★★★½
- Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (1996) ★★★
Honestly, a movie about a tech mogul who aims to use the global internet to make the real world a worse place, so that people will spend all their time in a virtual world where they will use an alternate infrastructure pushed on them to the profit of the tech mogul, while gaming up with an influencer with religious overtones, feels so ahead of its time as a plot that it's only making sense right this moment. Also, pretty good special effects and a nice job ripping off the Jurassic Park theme.
- A Quiet Place: Day One (2024) ★★★½
I dunno. It's better than the first one and it has a cute cat, but it doesn't feel like a movie that needed to get made.
- Dracula's Ex-Girlfriend (2024) ★★★★
- Bad Taste (1987) ★★★½
- Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes (2024) ★★★½
- The Lawnmower Man (1992) ★★★½
- Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983) ★★★★
- My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising (2019) ★★★★
- Red Eye (2005) ★★★
- King of Texas (2002) ★★★½
- Cursed (2005) ★★½
- Dr. Phibes Rises Again (1972) ★★½
- Serendipity (2001) ★★½
Another film in which the plot tells us John Cusack is a terrible villain but the music cues tell us this is terribly romantic.
- The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) ★★★
- The 4:30 Movie (2024) ★★★★
I love that in this phase of his life Kevin Smith is making sweet, nice, emotionally genuine films. I like it for him and I like watching them. He's not breaking any mold, or doing crazy innovative stuff here, it's just small, kind, and a chance for him to pull his family and friends together and have fun; and that's what it feels like. I like it!
- G.I. Jane (1997) ★★★
This movie does a lot better than I thought it would, but the final action sequence is shot extremely weird at some parts, I'm not sure why they thought the camera zooming in and out like that was a good idea? I think maybe they were trying to figure out something like shaky-cam but it didn't work so well here. I can imagine the shaky-cam version working, but the oscillation in and out, over and over, at the end doesn't work for me.
- Striptease (1996) ★★½
- Broil (2020) ★★½
- The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (2024) ★★★½
- Bad Boys for Life (2020) ★★★
Better than it needed to be but worse than I wish it was.
- A Quiet Place (2018) ★★★½
I don't understand why people were so hyped about this weirdly Christian film. It's fine but like... just fine.
- City of Angels (1998) ★★★
- Offseason (2021) ★★½
- Brooklyn 45 (2023) ★★★★
- The Sixth Sense (1999) ★★★★★
- Trap (2024) ★★★½
This is a good looking film, and fun!
- Jersey Girl (2004) ★★★½
Smith has a big heart that shows here and this movie ends up way better than I heard. And he gets great performances out of everyone, especially the kid and Carlin. It's schmaltzy but in a nice way.
- Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) ★★★½
- Dark Harvest (2023) ★★½
There's some cool looking stuff in here when it isn't too dark to see but the plot is a confusing disaster only made tolerable with a decent ending.
- Speak No Evil (2024) ★★★½
I think this film sort of misses some major points of the original, much to its detriment. If you ever wonder what makes a movie "American" the difference between these two movies is it exactly. That said, on its own merits, the film is fun, effective at suspense, well-filmed and pulls some great performances, notably even from the kids--who have larger roles in this version. James McAvoy and Mackenzie Davis are really delivering too, and if you wanted to see it just for their performances I would not blame you.
I am fascinated by the changes, especially to Scoot McNairy's character which change the context and tenor of the movie significantly and in some odd ways.
(Saw at a preview screening)
- Strange Darling (2023) ★★★★
Really great acting, really well shot, but the plot suffers under some issues that screw with my suspension of disbelief. The framing of it as a true crime work creates some discordant portrayals where sympathies in the moment lie with, what feels later, like the wrong characters. The script also feels weirdly at times like it was written for two male leads and one of them was gender swapped, causing scenes where reactions feel wrong. Great music though!
- The Houses October Built (2014) ★★½
- After the Wedding (2006) ★★★★
- A Horrible Woman (2017) ★★★
- Parents (2016) ★★★
Please don't eat your tacos like that.
- Love at First Bite (1979) ★★★
- Shiva Baby (2020) ★★★½
- Howling IV: The Original Nightmare (1988) ★★½
There are a lot of problems here, but if you realize it's a mystery story and not a horror film then the pacing makes a lot more sense. Also heck of a goo scene.
- Pusher (1996) ★★★½
- Under the Skin (2013) ★★★★½
- Longlegs (2024) ★★★★½
I liked this movie fine, but I'm not sure I understand the hype.
- Army of Shadows (1969) ★★★★½
Saw an amazing 4K restoration at Film Forum. Pretty remarkable.
- Death to Smoochy (2002) ★★★★½
Holy shit Danny DeVito can direct the sht out of a movie and then on top of that everyone in this film is doing the most. Somehow more relevant now than it ever was.
- Jujutsu Kaisen 0 (2021) ★★★★
- FernGully: The Last Rainforest (1992) ★★★½
- The Blues Brothers (1980) ★★★★★
- Nurse 3-D (2013) ★★½
This movie is falling, but it's mostly trying. Then at the end it loses its grip on character and plot entirely, making the well shot big action ending distractingly confusing.
- We Were Once Kids (2021) ★★★★
- Bring It On: Cheer Or Die (2022) ★★½
- My Hero Academia: Two Heroes (2018) ★★★½
- The United States of Insanity (2021) ★★★★½
Gonna admit I didn't expect this to be good, but you know what? It was a pretty great documentary about some genuinely important stuff that was presented quite effectively. Fascinating first amendment issue. I hope the ICP and their fans win out in the end.
- Sex and Broadcasting (2014) ★★★
- Royalty Free: The Music of Kevin MacLeod (2020) ★★★
A very interesting topic with a lot of interesting ideas and stuff going on, but clearly a director who is at the beginning of their career. Can't wait to see what they do next though!
- Crumb (1994) ★★★★
- Con Air (1997) ★★★½
- Jack's Back (1988) ★★★
- Totally Killer (2023) ★★★½
A little reference heavy and some strange lighting and cinematography choices, but overall a fun little movie. Surprised they didn't advertise it more.
- My Best Friend's Exorcism (2022) ★½
Just watch Jennifer's Body again.
- Tarot (2024) ★★
- Willard (2003) ★★★½
- Society (1989) ★★★½
- Hundreds of Beavers (2022) ★★★★★
- Slither (2006) ★★★½
- Revenge (2017) ★★★★
- Deadpool & Wolverine (2024) ★★★★
You could say a lot of good and bad things about this film, just like Reynolds himself. But I dunno man, it's nice to see a superhero film that feels like it gives a shit and has some love for the genre and every film in it, good or bad. Other than the Gunn movies, it feels like it's been a while.
- The Piper (2023) ★★½
- Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (2022) ★★★★
- Musings Of A Mechatronic Mistress (2023) ★★★★
Very interesting set of interviews!
- Mute Witness (1995) ★★★★
This was unexpectedly pretty good!
- Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) ★★★★
- Harvey (1950) ★★★★
- Freaks (1932) ★★★★½
- In a Violent Nature (2024) ★★★½
- The Offering (2022) ★★★
It is very hackneyed in its horror, which is too bad, there's something here, but they were unable to pull it off.
- The Vourdalak (2023) ★★★★★
Wonderful film, a great mix of horror and humor. The cinematography was great as well, with a lot of clever work to make it feel of its period.
- Loving Leah (2009) ★★★
An actual film! Not a great one but still, what a shock.
- Eight Gifts of Hanukkah (2021) ★★
He's her best friend, and the boy next door, and a millionaire who loves kids? And he loves the protagonist? How could this be?
- Made for Each Other (2023) ★★½
Is Clay's endless eating a reference to the eventual fate of golems to perform the same task to the point they are out of control? Does that mean his eating will grow until he consumes all food? Is the ending of this film the doom of all humanity?
- Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005) ★★½
Can't believe this movie wasted the premise so hard. A video game and getting pulled inside of it would have been a great idea for this franchise. Instead they concocted an insane reasoning for how everything works. They couldn't even go all in on the rave concept by getting appropriate music.
- Hellraiser: Deader (2005) ★★½
Apparently this was the film the producers wanted to make and then they threw together Hellworld to lock in the tax break? It makes sense, this feels a lot more like a real film with some surprisingly decent cinematography. It's a shame it's destroyed by an 'is she crazy, is this the asylum' sequence that's entirely unnecessary. Could have been Midnight Meat Train with Pinhead, ended up less then the sum of its parts.
- Dead Silence (2007) ★★½
I don't know if it's the edit or the script but this film is tripping all over itself. Things feel like they are happening out of order, characters feel like they're missing while scenes and the three "big reveals" are piled on top of each other, destroying the pacing of the third act. It's a shame too, because there are some decent special effects and I really liked the setting.
- Blue Ruin (2013) ★★★★½
- Blackout (2023) ★★★★
Larry is always punching way over his budget. Some pieces of this are really remarkable. The animated scene about half way through is amazing. Some of the shots and transitions glow through the mundane bits to pull the whole film up into a great watch. The music is also a real standout here.
- Cheap Thrills (2013) ★★★½
- A Horrible Way to Die (2010) ★★½
- The Little Shop of Horrors (1960) ★★★
- The Strangers: Chapter 1 (2024) ★★½
- Streets of Fire (1984) ★★★★
What a weird movie. Pretty unique though. Imagine an alternate universe where Tom Cruise did like... 5 of these.
- Killer of Men (2022) ★★★★★
Really enjoyed this one, the overwhelming tidal force of the soundtrack was great. Also really loved the cinematography, especially the lighting which felt inspired by neon noir but shifted. I wish more people shot NYC like this, rarely does it look like the city actually feels in the way this film manages.
- Boogie Nights (1997) ★★★★½
- The Unknown (1927) ★★★★
- Royal Warriors (1986) ★★★★½
Holy shit
- Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) ★★★★½
- The First Omen (2024) ★★★★
Some interesting ideas filmed quite well!
- Miraculous World: New York, United HeroeZ (2020) ★★★★
- Seedpeople (1992) ★★★
Prob one of the better Full Moon features of its era. A low bar, but it gets over it.
- The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes (2023) ★★★½
Not sure that sticking a whole unfinished rushed 2nd film to the end of the first one worked as well as they hoped.
- Dementia 13 (1963) ★★★
- The Creator (2023) ★★★★
Looks great, well executed, but that script sure could have used a few more passes.
- I Blame Society (2020) ★★★½
- Abigail (2024) ★★★½
- She Is Conann (2023) ★★★★
- They Cloned Tyrone (2023) ★★★★½
- The Usual Suspects (1995) ★★★★½
- Swimming with Sharks (1994) ★★★★
- Late Night with the Devil (2023) ★★★★
- Maximum Overdrive (1986) ★★★
- Dune: Part Two (2024) ★★★½
I'm sorry, this doesn't need to be this long. That said, it does a good job of making the meta narrative of Dune pretty clear, Paul the manipulative asshole is prob as clear as it can be in a modern film. Credit to Zendaya for acting the shit out of this.
- Pet Sematary II (1992) ★★½
- Carrie (2013) ★★½
Wow that ending really really sucked. Who thought it was a good idea to turn her into a horror film slayer?
- Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker (1981) ★★★
- Imaginary (2024) ★★½
There is a 95% chance this script started as a studio idea for a sequel to Coraline.
- Madame Web (2024) ★½
I don't understand how this movie could prominently get so much location information wrong. They keep saying people are in places that don't connect, don't exist, or don't make sense. I know that's the least of the issues here, but as a New Yorker it really irritated me they they couldn't do the basic work of pulling up Google Maps. It's just so lazy.
- The Ruins (2008) ★★★
- Miller's Girl (2024) ★½
Way to take a hackneyed concept, do nothing with it, shoot it mediocre, and not read the room that's not going to want this--even if it was good.
- Cry_Wolf (2005) ★★★
This was a pretty good idea that could have been executed much better.
- Night Swim (2024) ★★
Get out of the water someone dropped a ghost
- Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom (2023) ★★★★
This has to be the most comic book movie I've ever seen. It isn't just the colors (which are wild) or the overall plot (which could be better, but has a bit of comic book ridiculousness). The bad guy has a full volcano full of hench people wearing matching leather super-suits and jetpacks staffing his monster-infested evil lair as he plans to sink the world. This movie has a weak start, but I like it more than the last one! The whole thing is like it came out of an alternate universe where instead of getting Christopher Nolan inspiring Zach Snyder we let Joel Schumacher inspire the next generation of super hero films. More movies that are fun please.
Also... I think this might be the first time I've liked Patrick Wilson in a film.
- Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) ★★★
JHutch is really giving way more than was asked for here.
- The Marvels (2023) ★★★½
I dunno what the bad reviews were on about. I really liked Marvel's Star Trek: The Marvels. This movie was just plain fun, and wow everyone showed up for it, a set of really solid performances all around.
- 13 Ghosts (1960) ★★★
- Stonehearst Asylum (2014) ★★½
What a waste of good actors and concept. Also just a terrible ending.
- A Haunting in Venice (2023) ★★½
A very pretty but ultimately empty film.
- Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire (2023) ★★½
The problem is it is boring, confusing, and a waste of acting talent.
- Santa Jaws (2018) ★★½
Look, this isn't amazing, but it is punching way above it's weight class.
- Brake (2012) ★★½
Would have been better as a Twilight Zone 30m episode.
- Steal (2002) ★★★
Bleeds the 00s
- Felon (2008) ★★★½
Hard to believe this was closely based on a real story where no actual change occurred in the prison after not did any guards get punished.
- They (2002) ★★½
- Wednesday (2022) ★★½
It is a bit of an odd choice to make Wednesday Addams the reluctant star of her own Scooby gang, but everything flows along fine. I think the last few episodes go entirely off the rails though. Netflix has a solid 'put it on in the background' show here. Woo?
- Lisa Frankenstein (2024) ★★★★
- The Sandman (2023)
- Lockwood & Co. (2023) ★★★½
This was really engaging with some great performances. A fun watch!
- Scream: The TV Series (2015) ★★★½
Not as good as the original but still was a fun energetic watch.
- Legion (2017)
- Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (2020) ★★★★★
This show is great. Smart and interesting science fiction, amazing soundtrack, gorgeous animation and remarkable performances. I had a ton of fun watching this show.
- Justified (2010)
- iZombie (2015)
- Fast and Furious Spy Racers (2019) ★★
This is so dumb. I love it.
- Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (2016)
- Dead Like Me (2003)
- Community (2009)
- 30 Rock (2006)
- Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973)
- Sealab 2021 (2000)
- Russian Doll (2019)
- Psych (2006)
- Portlandia (2011)
- Person of Interest (2011)
- Orphan Black (2013)
- Midnight Mass (2021)
- Marvel's Jessica Jones (2015)
- The Twilight Zone (1985)
- The Sopranos (1999)
- The Good Place (2016)
- The Expanse (2015)
- The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (2019)
- Stargate Universe (2009)
- Stargate SG-1 (1997)
- Stargate Atlantis (2004)
- Star Trek: Picard (2020)
- Watchmen (2019)
- Warehouse 13 (2009)
- Twin Peaks (1990)
- The Wire (2002)
- The Venture Bros (2004)
- The Legend of Korra (2012)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender (2024)
- Arrested Development (2003) ★★★★★
- Altered Carbon (2018)
- Alias (2001)
- Scrubs (2001)
- Hawkeye (2021)
- Gotham (2014)
- First Kill (2022)
- Eureka (2006)
- Doctor Who (2005)
- Continuum (2012)
- Constantine (2014)
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997)
- Babylon 5 (1994)
- Star Trek: Voyager (1995)
- Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993)
- Moon Knight (2022)
- Monk (2002)
- Max Headroom (1987)
- Marvel's Luke Cage (2016)
- Lost Girl (2010)
- House (2004)
- Star Trek (1966)
- Powers (2015)
- Parks and Recreation (2009)
- Once Upon a Time (2011)
- Motherland: Fort Salem (2020)
- Torchwood (2006)
- The Peripheral (2022)
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1981)
- The 100 (2014)
- Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008)
- Supernatural (2005)
- Supergirl (2015)
- Pushing Daisies (2007)
- WandaVision (2021)
- Veep (2012)
- Firefly (2002)
- DC's Stargirl (2020)
- Comrade Detective (2017)
- Battlestar Galactica (2004)
- Alpha House (2013)
- 12 Monkeys (2015)
- Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013)
- Locke & Key (2020)
- Lie to Me (2009)
- Law & Order: Criminal Intent (2001)
- Heroes (2006)
- Game of Thrones (2011)
- Flight of the Conchords (2007)
- Marvel's The Defenders (2017)
- Marvel's Daredevil (2015)
- Marvel's Agent Carter (2015)
- The Book of Boba Fett (2021)
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)
- Star Wars: Rebels (2014)
- Star Wars: Clone Wars (2008)
- Seinfeld (1989)
- Sanctuary (2008)
- Red Dwarf (1988)
- Penny Dreadful (2020)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022)
- Nathan For You (2013)
- Merlin (2008)
- Utopia Falls (2020)
- The Witcher: Blood Origin (2022)
- The Sarah Jane Adventures (2007)
- The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself (2022)
- Mrs. Davis (2023)
- Folklore (2018)
- Channel Zero (2016)
- 50 States of Fright (2020)
- The X-Files (1993)
- Tales from the Crypt (1989)
- Gravity Falls (2012)
- Fringe (2008)
- Farscape (1999)
- Elementary (2012)
- Dark Angel (2000)
- Angel (1999) ★★★
The first and last seasons are amazing, the second is mostly ok, the rest is undeniably a crime against entertainment and practically on-screen abuse of Charisma Carpenter
- The Owl House (2020)
- The Midnight Gospel (2020)
- Teen Titans (2003)
- Steven Universe (2013)
- Samurai Jack (2001)
- Krypton (2018)
- Infinity Train (2019)
- Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (2023)
- Northern Exposure (1990)
- Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018)
- Riverdale (2017)
- Wrong Turn (2003) ★★★
- Fantasy Island (2020) ★★
- Dracula III: Legacy (2005) ★★½
- Dracula II: Ascension (2003) ★★½
- The Prince (2023) ★★★★
- The Cottage (2008) ★★★★
- Lord of Illusions (1995) ★★★½
- Bad Moon (1996) ★★★
- My Bloody Valentine (2009) ★★★½
- Inhuman Kiss (2019) ★★★½
- El Conde (2023) ★★★½
- Snow Day (2000) ★★½
- Small Soldiers (1998) ★★★½
- The Leech (2022) ★★★½
- Same Time, Next Year (1978) ★★★½
- The Hateful Eight (2015) ★★★★
- The Convent (2000) ★★★½
- Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (2004) ★★★½
- Reservoir Dogs (1992) ★★★★½
- Inglourious Basterds (2009) ★★★★½
- Wish (2023) ★★★
- WHAT DID JACK DO? (2017) ★★½
- Gurren Lagann the Movie: Childhood's End (2008) ★★★
- Wonka (2023) ★★★½
- Origin (2023) ★★★★
- True Romance (1993) ★★★½
- THX 1138 (1971) ★★★½
- The Gingerdead Man (2005) ★★
- I Am Not a Serial Killer (2016) ★★★
- This Is GWAR (2021) ★★★★
- Rites of Passage (2012) ★★
- Dead Man's Curve (1998) ★★½
- The Nun II (2023) ★★½
- Thanksgiving (2023) ★★★½
- The Venture Bros.: Radiant Is the Blood of the Baboon Heart (2023) ★★★★
- Legion of Super-Heroes (2023) ★★★
- Barbie (2023) ★★★★
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023) ★★★★
- Cold in July (2014) ★★★
- BloodRayne (2005) ★★
- It's a Wonderful Knife (2023) ★★★
- Slotherhouse (2023) ★★★
- Mob Land (2023) ★★★
- Judgment Night (1993) ★★½
- Embattled (2020) ★★★
- City of Industry (1997) ★★★
- Officer Down (2013) ★★½
- Tomorrow You're Gone (2012) ★★
- The Debt (2015) ★★★
- Carjacked (2011) ★★½
- The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (1984) ★★★★
- Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay (2018) ★★★
- Don't Go (2018) ★★
- The Motel Life (2012) ★★★★
- Justice League vs. the Fatal Five (2019) ★★★½
- Heatstroke (2013) ★★½
- American Hero (2015) ★★★
- Traveling Light (2021) ★★★½
- Jackals (2017) ★★½
- Suitable Flesh (2023) ★★★½
- Kunstkamera (2022)
- Blade: Trinity (2004) ★★
- Insect (2018) ★★★½
- Talk to Me (2022) ★★★½
- The Dentist (1996) ★★½
- Maggie's Plan (2015) ★★½
- The Wrath of Becky (2023) ★★½
- The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023) ★★★
- Hellboy Animated: Blood and Iron (2007) ★★★
- Game Night (2018) ★★★½
- Nimona (2023) ★★★★
- The Virgin Suicides (1999) ★★★½
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023) ★★★★★
- The Wild Goose Lake (2019) ★★★★
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable – Chapter 1 (2017) ★★★
- Wong Ping's Fables 2 (2019) ★★★½
- Wong Ping's Fables 1 (2019) ★★★½
- Wong Ping Animation Collection (2019) ★★★½
- X2 (2003) ★★★★½
- The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) ★★★½
- Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023) ★★★
- Airheads (1994) ★★★
- Hanukkah on Rye (2022) ★★½
- Encino Man (1992) ★★★½
- Blast from the Past (1999) ★★★½
- Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping (2016) ★★★½
- Congo (1995) ★★★
- Oblivion (2013) ★★★
- The Guest (2014) ★★★★½
- Batman: Gotham by Gaslight (2018) ★★½
- Batman and Harley Quinn (2017) ★★★
- Superman/Batman: Public Enemies (2009) ★★★
- The Boondock Saints (1999) ★★★½
- Scary Movie 2 (2001) ★★
- Puppet Master: Doktor Death (2022) ★★★
- Living with Chucky (2022) ★★★½
- The Shining (1980) ★★★★★
- Infinity Pool (2023) ★★★½
- Martin (1977) ★★★★
- Cursed Friends (2022) ★★★
- Better Luck Tomorrow (2002) ★★★½
- Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead (2014) ★★★½
- Dawn of the Dead (2004) ★★★
- The Wicker Man (2006) ★★★
- Dead Snow (2009) ★★★★
- Tales From The Dark 2 (2013) ★★★
- Tales From The Dark 1 (2013) ★★★★
- Dumplings (2004) ★★★★
- Scream (1996) ★★★★½
- Scream 4 (2011) ★★★½
- Scream 2 (1997) ★★★★
- Scream 3 (2000) ★★★½
- All About Evil (2010) ★★★★
- Shadow Zone: My Teacher Ate My Homework (1997) ★★½
- Shadow Zone: The Undead Express (1996) ★★★
- The Menu (2022) ★★★½
- Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022) ★★★½
- No Telling (Or, The Frankenstein Complex) (1991) ★★★★
- Lace Crater (2015) ★★½
- Knock at the Cabin (2023) ★★★½
- M3GAN (2022) ★★★½
- Elle (2016) ★★★
- Benedetta (2021) ★★★½
- World of Tomorrow (2015) ★★★★½
- The Congress (2013) ★★★★
- Magic Mike XXL (2015) ★★★★½
- Magic Mike (2012) ★★★½
- There's Something Wrong with the Children (2023) ★★★½
- Turning Red (2022) ★★★★
- The Hatred (2017) ★½
- Glass Onion (2022) ★★★★½
- Folklore: Pob (2018) ★★★★
- Folklore: Mongdal (2018) ★★★½
- Folklore: A Mother's Love (2018) ★★★
- Uncle Moses (1932) ★★★★
- Scare Package II: Rad Chad’s Revenge (2022) ★★★½
- Sadistic Intentions (2019) ★★★½
- All Cheerleaders Die (2013) ★★½
- House of 1000 Corpses (2003) ★★½
- Call Me Miss Cleo (2022) ★★★½
- Uncle Sam (1996) ★★★
- Trilogy of Terror II (1996) ★★★
- Faust (1994) ★★★★½
- Clerks III (2022) ★★★★
- Twin Peaks (1989) ★★★★½
- Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) ★★★★½
- Trilogy of Terror (1975) ★★★
- The Young Pope (2016) ★★★
- Ms. Marvel (2022) ★★★½
- Moon Knight (2022) ★★★½
- Loki (2021) ★★★½
- Bacurau (2019) ★★★★½
- Barbarian (2022) ★★★½
- Mallrats (1995) ★★★★½
- The Princess and the Frog (2009) ★★★½
- Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) ★★★½
- Bringing Out the Dead (1999) ★★★★
- Weird: The Al Yankovic Story (2022) ★★★½
- The Viewing (2022) ★★★½
- Prey (2022) ★★★★½
- The Outside (2022) ★★★★
- The Nice Guys (2016) ★★★★
- The Murmuring (2022) ★★★★
- Smile (2022) ★★★
- The Block Island Sound (2020) ★★★½
- Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (2001) ★★★★
- Werewolf by Night (2022) ★★★★
- Final Space (2016) ★★★★
- The Theatre Bizarre (2011) ★★½
- Halloween Ends (2022) ★★★
- Three… Extremes (2004) ★★★½
- Hellraiser (2022) ★★★
- Depraved (2019) ★★★★
- Steven Universe: The Movie (2019) ★★★½
- Wendigo (2001) ★★★½
- The Woods (2006) ★★★½
- Shoot 'Em Up (2007) ★★★★
- Six-String Samurai (1998) ★★★★
- The Munsters (2022) ★★½
- The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) ★★★½
- Kimi (2022) ★★★½
- Habit (1995) ★★★★
It was so good to re-watch this on the big screen at Nighthawk, for the Brooklyn Horror Festival! It has all these amazing details that I missed, watching it before. The way this film moves, the tension, the genre balance, all exceptional. But it would be easy to forget subtle but great shooting choices as well: the moment at the party where the camera pushes in on his face when he's attracted to the woman across the room. The sickining angles on the ferris wheel. The moment out in the rain. The movie is fun and interesting, and it's so engaging it's easy to miss when it's also a gorgeous record of a particular era of NYC as well.
- Jug Face (2013) ★★★
- Moloch (2022) ★★★½
- Nope (2022) ★★★★½
- The Hunt (2020) ★★½
- Bleed with Me (2020) ★★½
- Heathers (1989) ★★★★
- Pennywise: The Story of ‘It’ (2021) ★★★
- Devil (2010) ★★★
- Master (2022) ★★★½
- A Perfect Getaway (2009) ★★★½
- The Black Phone (2021) ★★★½
- The Bob's Burgers Movie (2022) ★★★★
- Dogma (1999) ★★★★½
- Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019) ★★★
- Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) ★★★
- Irma Vep (1996) ★★★★
- Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022) ★★★½
- The Boys from Brazil (1978) ★★★★
- Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003) ★★★½
- Hellbender (2021) ★★★★
- Return to House on Haunted Hill (2007) ★★½
- All My Friends Hate Me (2021) ★★★
- Beyond Re-Animator (2003) ★★★
- Morbius (2022) ★★
- Boys from County Hell (2020) ★★★½
- We're All Going to the World's Fair (2021) ★★★½
- The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022) ★★★½
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) ★★★
- Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017) ★★
- Jeepers Creepers 2 (2003) ★★★
- Jeepers Creepers (2001) ★★★
- The Cell (2000) ★★★½
- Listening to Kenny G (2021) ★★★★
- Tommy (1975) ★★★★
- Space Cop (2016) ★★★
- Baby Oopsie (2021) ★★★
- Open 24 Hours (2018) ★★★½
- Face/Off (1997) ★★★★
- Vampires: Los Muertos (2002) ★★★
- The Lure (2015) ★★★★
- Shark Night 3D (2011) ★★
- Scary Movie 4 (2006) ★
- Not Another Teen Movie (2001) ★★½
- Frankenhooker (1990) ★★★½
- A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) ★★★½
- Dorian Gray (2009) ★★½
- No Time to Die (2021) ★★★½
- Titane (2021) ★★★½
- Dracula: Dead and Loving It (1995) ★★★★
- Valentine (2001) ★★½
- Cherry Falls (2000) ★★★½
- Thir13en Ghosts (2001) ★★★½
- Wishmaster (1997) ★★★½
- Snakes on a Plane (2006) ★★★½
- Toolbox Murders (2004) ★★★
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) ★★½
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) ★★
- Iron Sky (2012) ★★½
- Iron Sky: The Coming Race (2019) ★★
- Friday the 13th (2009) ★★½
- The Devil's Advocate (1997) ★★★★
- Hilda and the Mountain King (2021) ★★★★
- Horror Noire (2021) ★★★½
- A Creepshow Holiday Special (2020) ★★★½
- A Creepshow Animated Special (2020) ★★★
- Ask Dr. Ruth (2019) ★★★★½
- Horror Express (1972) ★★★
- The Empty Man (2020) ★★★½
- Antlers (2021) ★★★
- Woodstock 99: Peace, Love, and Rage (2021) ★★½
- Bad Candy (2020) ★★½
- Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) ★★★
- #Horror (2015) ★★½
- The Matrix Resurrections (2021) ★★★★
- Free Guy (2021) ★★★
- Grabbers (2012) ★★★½
- Elvira's Haunted Hills (2001) ★★★
- The Last Witch Hunter (2015) ★★½
- Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) ★★★½
- Citizen Kane (1941) ★★★★½
- Halloween Kills (2021) ★★½
- Lyle (2014) ★★★½
- The Spine of Night (2021) ★★★
- Shin Godzilla (2016) ★★★★
- Dune (2021) ★★★
- Vibes (1988) ★★½
- Transylvania 6-5000 (1985) ★★
- Possession (1981) ★★★★
- The Haunting (1999) ★★
- Tragedy Girls (2017) ★★★
- Queen of the Damned (2002) ★★
- Exorcist: The Beginning (2004) ★★★
- War for the Planet of the Apes (2017) ★★★★
- Halloween: Resurrection (2002) ★★
- Blood Fest (2018) ★★★
- Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995) ★★½
- Malignant (2021) ★★★½
- Doggie Heaven (2008) ★★
- The Forever Purge (2021) ★★★
- Casper (1995) ★★★
- Censor (2021) ★★★½
- Digging Up the Marrow (2014) ★★½
- Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001) ★★★½
- Chasing Amy (1997) ★★★
- Candyman (2021) ★★★★½
- Wrath of Man (2021) ★★★½
- The Gentlemen (2019) ★★★½
- The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf (2021) ★★★½
- The Amityville Horror (2005) ★★½
- Amityville: The Awakening (2017) ★★½
- Mercy Black (2019) ★★★½
- Severance (2006) ★★★★
- Pooka Lives! (2020) ★★★½
- Prom Night (2008) ★★
- Species II (1998) ★★
- Black Widow (2021) ★★★
- Swan Song (2021) ★★★★★
- Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) ★★★★½
- The Strangers: Prey at Night (2018) ★★½
- Fear Street: 1666 (2021) ★★★½
- Sinister 2 (2015) ★★
- The Current Occupant (2020) ★★
- Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) ★★★½
- The Kid Detective (2020) ★★★★
- Grind (2003) ★★½
- Werewolves Within (2021) ★★★
- Excalibur (1981) ★★★½
- Fear Street: 1994 (2021) ★★★★
- Darkman (1990) ★★★★
- Honeymoon (2014) ★★★½
- An Unquiet Grave (2020) ★★½
- Castle Freak (1995) ★★★
- The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021) ★★★
- Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) ★★½
- Night of the Demons (1988) ★★★½
- El Mariachi (1992) ★★★½
- Chutzpah, This Is? (2005) ★★★★★
- Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (2006) ★★★
- Night of the Living Dead (1990) ★★★½
- Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) ★★★★★
- Dagon (2001) ★★★½
- Intersect (2020) ★★
- Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) ★★★★★
- The Scary House (2020) ★★★
- Monster Party (2018) ★★★
- Things Heard & Seen (2021) ★★½
Accidentally watched this movie a second time and didn't realize until the mess kicked in. It is a film that asks you not to pay full attention to it and punishes you when you do. All the more frustrating because the first act and the last scene prove this could have been a lot better, which damns the film even worse.
- Another Round (2020) ★★★★½
- The Frighteners (1996) ★★★½
- Death Ship (1980) ★★★
- House on Haunted Hill (1999) ★★★½
- Ghost Ship (2002) ★★
- Map to the Stars (2018) ★★★★
- Robot Jox (1989) ★★★
- Two Evil Eyes (1990) ★★★
- Hello I Must Be Going (2012) ★★
- 9 Songs (2004) ★★½
- Seed of Chucky (2004) ★★½
- Bride of Chucky (1998) ★★★½
- Jakob's Wife (2021) ★★★
- Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) ★★★
- Candyman: Day of the Dead (1999) ★★
- Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood (2003) ★★
- A Nightmare Wakes (2020) ★★½
- Blood Moon (2021) ★★★
- Anaconda (1997) ★★½
- To Your Last Death (2019) ★★½
- Scare Me (2020) ★★★½
- The Wolf of Snow Hollow (2020) ★★★½
- Jiu Jitsu (2020) ★½
- Angel Heart (1987) ★★★★
- All the Creatures Were Stirring (2018) ★★½
- A Babysitter's Guide to Monster Hunting (2020) ★★
- Willy's Wonderland (2021) ★★★
- In Search of Darkness: Part II (2020) ★★★½
- We Can Be Heroes (2020) ★★★
- We All Scream for Ice Cream (2007) ★★★½
- The Black Cat (2007) ★★★½
- Right to Die (2007) ★★★½
- The Screwfly Solution (2006) ★★★
- Johnny Mnemonic (1995) ★★★½
- The Damned Thing (2006) ★★½
- Sounds Like (2006) ★★½
- Pro-Life (2006) ★★★
- Family (2006) ★★★
- Sick Girl (2006) ★★★
- Cigarette Burns (2005) ★★★★
- Jenifer (2005) ★★½
- Incident On and Off a Mountain Road (2005) ★★
- Dreams in the Witch House (2005) ★★½
- Dance of the Dead (2005) ★★★½
- Chocolate (2005) ★★½
- Quicksilver Highway (1997) ★½
- Charlotte (2017) ★½
- Friday (1995) ★★★½
- Coyote Ugly (2000) ★★★
- Anna and the Apocalypse (2017) ★★★★½
- Wolfman's Got Nards (2018) ★★★
- The Monster Squad (1987) ★★★½
- His Name Was Jason: 30 Years of Friday the 13th (2009) ★★★
- Freaks – You're One of Us (2020) ★★★
- 30 Days of Night (2007) ★★★
- The Boy Downstairs (2017) ★½
- Phantom of the Paradise (1974) ★★★★
- Blow Out (1981) ★★★★½
- A Goofy Movie (1995) ★★★★½
- Vampires vs. the Bronx (2020) ★★★★
- Freaky (2020) ★★★½
- The Fate of the Furious (2017) ★★★½
- Men in Black: International (2019) ★★★
- Enola Holmes (2020) ★★★½
- In the Mouth of Madness (1994) ★★★½
- Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016) ★★★
- Girl Walks Into a Bar (2011) ★★★
- Band Aid (2017) ★★★★
- Stir of Echoes (1999) ★★½
- Silent Night Deadly Night 4: Initiation (1990) ★★½
- Antebellum (2020) ★★½
- The Mortuary Collection (2019) ★★★
- Direct to Video: Straight to Video Horror of the 90s (2019) ★★★
- Books of Blood (2020) ★★
- Feels Good Man (2020) ★★★½
- Madame X - An Absolute Ruler (1978) ★★★½
- Scary Stories (2018) ★★½
- Class Action Park (2020) ★★★
- 1BR (2019) ★★½
- We Summon the Darkness (2019) ★★½
- Tread (2020) ★★★½
- An American Pickle (2020) ★★★½
- Among Friends (2012) ★★
- Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2010) ★★★
- The Dunwich Horror (2008) ½
- Happy Death Day (2017) ★★★★
- Happy Death Day 2U (2019) ★★★½
- Alita: Battle Angel (2019) ★★★½
- You Don't Nomi (2019) ★★★½
- Logan Lucky (2017) ★★★★½
- Justice League Dark: Apokolips War (2020) ★★
- All Hallows' Eve (2013) ★½
- All Hallows' Eve 2 (2015) ★★
- Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) ★★★
- Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004) ★★
- Resident Evil: Afterlife (2010) ★★★
- The Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018) ★★★½
- Chastity Bites (2013) ★★★
- The Old Guard (2020) ★★★
- I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998) ★★
- Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020) ★★½
- Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993) ★½
- Freddy vs. Jason (2003) ★★½
- The Phantom (1996) ★★★
- Palm Springs (2020) ★★★★
- I, Frankenstein (2014) ★★
- Wolf (1994) ★★★½
- Winchester (2018) ★★½
- The Wandering Earth (2019) ★★★
- Renaissance (2006) ★★★½
- The Ranger (2018) ★★★
- The Faculty (1998) ★★★★
- A Ghost Story (2017) ★★★★
- Doomed! The Untold Story of Roger Corman's The Fantastic Four (2015) ★★★★
- The Platform (2019) ★★★½
- Foxfire (1996) ★★★½
- Killer Grandma (2018) ★★½
- I'm Just F*cking with You (2019) ★★½
- New Year, New You (2018) ★★
- Strange Brew (1983) ★★★½
- Texas Chainsaw 3D (2013) ★★½
- Leatherface (2017) ★
- Population 436 (2006) ★★½
- Come to Daddy (2019) ★★★
- Phantasm (1979) ★★★½
- Phantasm II (1988) ★★★
- The Relic (1997) ★★½
- Creepshow 2 (1987) ★★½
- My Boyfriend's Back (1993) ★★
- Darkness Falls (2003) ★
- Urban Legend (1998) ★★
- Circus of Books (2019) ★★★½
- Tales from the Lodge (2019) ★★
- Monkeybone (2001) ★★½
- Color Out of Space (2019) ★★★★
- Daniel Isn't Real (2019) ★★★
- The Prince of Egypt (1998) ★★½
- Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988) ★★★
- The Invisible Man (2020) ★★★½
- Waiting to Exhale (1995) ★★★
- The Descent (2005) ★★½
- Silent Hill (2006) ★★★
- Would You Rather (2012) ★★½
- Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) ★★★
- Doctor Sleep (2019) ★★★★
- Desperado (1995) ★★★½
- Damsel (2018) ★★★½
- Memory: The Origins of Alien (2019) ★★★
- Eddie and the Cruisers (1983) ★★★½
- Toy Story 4 (2019) ★★★
- Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood (2019) ★★★½
- Maleficent: Mistress of Evil (2019) ★★½
- Hustlers (2019) ★★★★½
- Booksmart (2019) ★★★★
- Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019) ★★★
- The Burning (1981) ★★★
- Machete Maidens Unleashed! (2010) ★★★½
- Joker (2019) ★★
- The Howling (1981) ★★½
- The 'Burbs (1989) ★★★½
- Berberian Sound Studio (2012) ★★★
- The Howling: Reborn (2011) ★
- Ghost Story (1981) ★★★
- Children of the Corn: Runaway (2018) ★
- 976-EVIL (1988) ★★★
- In Search of Darkness (2019) ★★★½
- Holiday Hell (2019) ★★
- The Bye Bye Man (2017) ★
- The Hebrew Hammer (2003) ★★★★
- In Fabric (2018) ★★½
- Love & Mercy (2014) ★★★
- I ♥ Huckabees (2004) ★★★★
- The Death of "Superman Lives": What Happened? (2015) ★★★★½
- One Cut of the Dead (2017) ★★★★½
- Ginger Snaps (2000) ★★★½
- Ginger Snaps Back: The Beginning (2004) ★★½
- Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed (2004) ★★★½
- Blaze (2018) ★★½
- Ready or Not (2019) ★★★
- Natural Selection (2011) ★★★
- Satanic Panic (2019) ★★★
- Ghost Stories (2017) ★★
- Dolemite Is My Name (2019) ★★★★
- Extra Ordinary (2019) ★★★½
- Murder Party (2007) ★★½
- Jojo Rabbit (2019) ★★★★★
- Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's “Island of Dr. Moreau” (2014) ★★★★
- Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work (2010) ★★★★
- Just Desserts: The Making of 'Creepshow' (2007) ★★★½
- Trash Fire (2016) ★★½
- The Golem (2018) ★★★
- Midsommar (2019) ★★½
- Escape Room (2019) ★½
- Annabelle Comes Home (2019) ★★
- School Spirit (2019) ★★★
- Tully (2018) ★★★
- Split (2016) ★★★
- Pooka! (2018) ★★½
- Mandy (2018) ★★★
- Invader Zim: Enter the Florpus (2019) ★★½
- Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) ★½
- Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995) ★★½
- Brightburn (2019) ★★★
- Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles (2019) ★★★★★
- Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019) ★★★½
- Nightmare Cinema (2018) ★★½
- Bride of Re-Animator (1990) ★★½
- Lovecraft: Fear of the Unknown (2008) ★★★
- Finding Vivian Maier (2013) ★★★
- Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (2019) ★★★★
- What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (2018) ★★★★★
- Us (2019) ★★★½
- Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019) ★★★★
- Shazam! (2019) ★★★★
- Avengers: Endgame (2019) ★★★½
- The Cleaners (2018) ★★★½
- Vampire's Kiss (1988) ★★★½
- Dark Phoenix (2019) ★★½
- John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum (2019) ★★★★½
- Greetings from Tromaville! (2017) ★★★½
- Demon (2015) ★★★★
- Brain Dead (1990) ★★★
- Horror Noire: A History of Black Horror (2019) ★★★★½
- The Inventor: Out for Blood in Silicon Valley (2019) ★★★★½
- Razorback (1984) ★★★½
- The Craft (1996) ★★★
- The Hunger (1983) ★★½
- Tales from the Crypt (1972) ★★★
- Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight (1995) ★★½
- Detention (2011) ★★★★½
- Bubba Ho-tep (2002) ★★★
- Drag Me to Hell (2009) ★★
- Deep Red (1975) ★★★½
- Wildlife (2018) ★★★
- Captain Marvel (2019) ★★★★
- Wonder Woman (2017) ★★★★
- WALL·E (2008) ★★★★★
- Unbreakable (2000) ★★★★
- Toy Story 2 (1999) ★★★
- The Truman Show (1998) ★★★★★
- The Silence of the Lambs (1991) ★★★★½
- The Shawshank Redemption (1994) ★★★★★
- The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) ★★★★
- The Princess Bride (1987) ★★★★½
- The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot (2018) ★★★
- The Hunger Games (2012) ★★
- The Great Wall (2016) ★★
- The Great Gatsby (2013) ★
- The Godfather (1972) ★★★★½
- The Godfather: Part II (1974) ★★★★
- The Dark Knight (2008) ★★★★½
- Star Wars (1977) ★★★★★
- Stand by Me (1986) ★★★★½
- Spider-Man (2002) ★★★★½
- Sherlock Holmes (2009) ★★½
- Requiem for a Dream (2000) ★★★★½
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) ★★★★★
- Ocean's Eleven (2001) ★★★★
- Monsters, Inc. (2001) ★★★★
- Les Misérables (2012) ★★½
- Jurassic Park (1993) ★★★★★
- It Comes at Night (2017) ★★★
- Inside Out (2015) ★★★★½
- Hugo (2011) ★★
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) ★★★★
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011) ★★★½
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) ★★★½
- GoodFellas (1990) ★★★★
- Full Metal Jacket (1987) ★★★★★
- Fight Club (1999) ★★★
- Coraline (2009) ★★★
- Clueless (1995) ★★★½
- Chinatown (1974) ★★★★★
- Catch Me If You Can (2002) ★★★★
- Bad Times at the El Royale (2018) ★★★
- Zoolander (2001) ★★★★½
- Zombieland (2009) ★★★★
- Zardoz (1974) ★★
- Young Frankenstein (1974) ★★★★★
- X-Men (2000) ★★★
- X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) ½
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) ★
- X-Men: First Class (2011) ★★★½
- X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) ★★★½
- X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) ★★
- Wreck-It Ralph (2012) ★★★½
- Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) ★★★★★
- What We Do in the Shadows (2014) ★★★★★
- Waterworld (1995) ★
- Watchmen (2009) ★★½
- Warcraft (2016) ★★½
- Wanted (2008) ★★
- Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007) ★★★★★
- Venom (2018) ★★★
- Velvet Buzzsaw (2019) ★★½
- Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) ★★½
- V for Vendetta (2005) ★★★
- Unfriended (2014) ★
- Underworld: Rise of the Lycans (2009) ★
- Underworld: Evolution (2006) ★★
- Underworld: Awakening (2012) ½
- Ultraviolet (2006) ★
- Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992) ★★★
- Twin Dragons (1992) ★★½
- Turbo Kid (2015) ★★★½
- Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2010) ★★★★
- Truth or Dare (2018) ★½
- True Stories (1986) ★★½
- True Lies (1994) ★★★½
- True Grit (2010) ★★★½
- Tron (1982) ★★★★★
- TRON: Legacy (2010) ★★½
- Troll Hunter (2010) ★★★½
- Tremors (1990) ★★★★★
- Train to Busan (2016) ★★★★★
- Toy Story 3 (2010) ★★★½
- Total Recall (1990) ★★★★★
- Top Gun (1986) ★★★★
- Titan A.E. (2000) ★★½
- Timeline (2003) ★½
- Thor (2011) ★★½
- Thor: The Dark World (2013) ★★
- Thor: Ragnarok (2017) ★★★★½
- This Is the End (2013) ★½
- This Is Spinal Tap (1984) ★★★★★
- They Live (1988) ★★★★
- The World's End (2013) ★★★
- The Wolverine (2013) ★
- The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) ★★★
- The Witch (2015) ★
- The Void (2016) ★★★★
- The Tuxedo (2002) ★★½
- The Transporter (2002) ★★★
- The Toxic Avenger (1984) ★★★★★
- The Thing (1982) ★★★★★
- The Terminator (1984) ★★★★
- The Spirit (2008) ★
- The Shadow (1994) ★★
- The Running Man (1987) ★★★★★
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) ★★★★★
- The Rock (1996) ★★★
- The One (2001) ★★
- The Nun (2018) ★½
- The Mummy (2017) ★
- The Meg (2018) ★★★★
- The Matrix (1999) ★★★★★
- The Matrix Revolutions (2003) ★★
- The Matrix Reloaded (2003) ★★½
- The Mask (1994) ★★★½
- The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) ★★★
- The Lost Boys (1987) ★★★½
- The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) ★★★★½
- The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) ★★★★½
- The Lobster (2015) ★★½
- The Lego Movie (2014) ★★★½
- The Lego Batman Movie (2017) ★★★★
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) ★★½
- The Island (2005) ★
- The Iron Giant (1999) ★★★★★
- The Interview (2014) ★
- The Incredible Hulk (2008) ★★½
- The Hunt for Red October (1990) ★★★½
- The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013) ★
- The House That Jack Built (2018) ★½
- The Host (2006) ★★★★★
- The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) ½
- The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014) ★
- The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) ★★
- The Happening (2008)
- The Hangover (2009) ★★½
- The Founder (2016) ★★½
- The Fly (1986) ★★★★
- The Fifth Element (1997) ★★★★★
- The Favourite (2018) ★★★
- The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006) ★★
- The Exorcist (1973) ★★★★★
- The Empire Strikes Back (1980) ★★★★★
- The Emperor's New Groove (2000) ★★★★½
- The Dark Knight Rises (2012) ★★
- The Crow (1994) ★★
Sometimes the hero can just skip the "refusing the call' step, like here where it doesn't make a lick of sense.
- The Cloverfield Paradox (2018) ★
- The Cabin in the Woods (2011) ★★★★½
- The Breakfast Club (1985) ★★★★
- The Blair Witch Project (1999) ★
- The Big Lebowski (1998) ★★★★★
- The Avengers (2012) ★★★★
- The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) ½
- The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014) ½
- The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005) ★★★
- Terminator Salvation (2009) ★★
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) ★★★★
- Superman (1978) ★★★★★
- Superman Returns (2006) ★★
- Superman III (1983) ★★½
- Superman II (1980) ★★★
- Superbad (2007) ★★★
- Super Size Me (2004) ★★★
- Super 8 (2011) ★★
- Summer of 84 (2018) ★★★½
- Suicide Squad (2016) ★★
- Stargate (1994) ★★★★
- Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) ★★★★
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) ★★½
- Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005) ★
- Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002) ★
- Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (1999) ★
- Star Trek (2009) ★★★
- Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) ★★★★★
- Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) ★★★½
- Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) ★★
- Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) ★★★★★
- Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) ★
- Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) ★★★
- Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) ★★½
- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) ★★★★★
- Star Trek: Generations (1994) ★★
- Star Trek: First Contact (1996) ★★★★½
- Star Trek Beyond (2016) ★★★★
- Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) ★★★★★
- Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) ★★★
- Spider-Man 3 (2007) ★★
- Spectre (2015) ★★
- Spawn (1997) ★
- Spaceballs (1987) ★★★★★
- Space Jam (1996) ★★
- Soylent Green (1973) ★★★★
- Sorry to Bother You (2018) ★★★★★
- Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) ★★½
- Solaris (2002) ★★★★
- Snowpiercer (2013) ★★★½
- Sleepwalkers (1992) ★★½
- Sleepaway Camp (1983) ★★★½
- Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004) ★★½
- Sin City (2005) ★★½
- Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984) ★★
- Short Circuit (1986) ★★★
- Shaun of the Dead (2004) ★★★★★
- Shanghai Noon (2000) ★★
- Shadow of the Vampire (2000) ★★★½
- Seven Psychopaths (2012) ★★
- Serenity (2019) ★★
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) ★★★★★
- School of Rock (2003) ★★½
- Salt (2010) ★★★½
- S1m0ne (2002) ★
- Rush Hour (1998) ★★★★
- Rush Hour 3 (2007) ★★½
- Rush Hour 2 (2001) ★★★
- Rumble in the Bronx (1995) ★★★★½
- Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) ★★★★
- RoboCop (1987) ★★★★½
- RoboCop 3 (1993) ★★
- RoboCop 2 (1990) ★★½
- Return to Sleepaway Camp (2008) ★★
- Return of the Jedi (1983) ★★★★★
- Resident Evil (2002) ★★★★½
- Repo! The Genetic Opera (2008) ★★★
- RED (2010) ★★★
- Real Steel (2011) ★
- Ready Player One (2018) ½
- Re-Animator (1985) ★★★★★
- Raw (2016) ★★★
- Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) ★★★★★
- Quantum of Solace (2008) ★★
- Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich (2018) ★★½
- Pulp Fiction (1994) ★★★★
- Psycho (1998) ★★★★★
- Psycho III (1986) ★★★
- Prometheus (2012) ★★
- Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010) ½
- Primer (2004) ★★★★½
- Power Rangers (2017) ★★½
- Police Story 4: First Strike (1996) ★★★★
- Planet of the Apes (2001) ★★
- Pineapple Express (2008) ★★½
- Pacific Rim (2013) ★★★
- Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) ★★★
- Overlord (2018) ★★★★★
- Ouija (2014) ½
- O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) ★★★★
- Nosferatu (1922) ★★★★★
- Mute (2018) ★★½
- Murder on the Orient Express (2017) ★★★
- Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) ★★
- Most Likely to Murder (2018) ★★★
- Moon (2009) ★★★★★
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) ★★★★★
- Moana (2016) ★★★½
- Mission to Mars (2000) ★★½
- Miss Congeniality (2000) ★★★
- Minority Report (2002) ★★
- Metropolis (1927) ★★★★★
- Men in Black (1997) ★★★★★
- Men in Black II (2002) ★★★
- Men in Black 3 (2012) ★★
- Megamind (2010) ★★★
- Man of Steel (2013) ½
- Maleficent (2014) ★★½
- Mad Max (1979) ★★★★
- Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) ★★★★★
- Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) ★★½
- Mad Max 2 (1981) ★★★★½
- M (1931) ★★★★★
- Lucy (2014) ★★★
- Looper (2012) ★★★
- Logan's Run (1976) ★★★★
- Logan (2017) ★★★½
- Live Free or Die Hard (2007) ★★
- Life After Beth (2014) ★★
- Lethal Weapon (1987) ★★★★
- Last Action Hero (1993) ★★★★
- Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) ★★★
- Krampus (2015) ★★★½
- Kong: Skull Island (2017) ★★★★
- Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) ★★★
- Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017) ★★★
- King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) ★★★
- Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) ★★★½
- Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003) ★★★★½
- Kick-Ass (2010) ★★★
- Keanu (2016) ★★
- K-PAX (2001) ★★★
- Justice League (2017) ★
- Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013) ★★½
- Jurassic World (2015) ★★½
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) ★★½
- Jurassic Park III (2001) ★
- Jupiter Ascending (2015) ★★
- Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) ★★★★
- Judge Dredd (1995) ★★★★
- John Wick (2014) ★★★★½
- John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017) ★★★
- John Dies at the End (2012) ★★★★
- Jodorowsky's Dune (2013) ★★
- Jobs (2013) ★
- Jennifer's Body (2009) ★★★★★
- Jaws (1975) ★★★★★
- Jason X (2001) ★★½
- Jackie Brown (1997) ★★★★½
- It Follows (2014) ★★★★½
- Iron Man (2008) ★★★★
- Iron Man 3 (2013) ★★★
- Iron Man 2 (2010) ★★★
- Interstellar (2014) ★★½
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) ★★★★½
- Independence Day: Resurgence (2016) ★★½
- Inception (2010) ★★★
- In Time (2011) ★★½
- Idiocracy (2006) ★★★★½
- I, Robot (2004) ★
- I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore (2017) ★★
- I Am Legend (2007) ★★½
- Hulk (2003) ★★½
- Hot Fuzz (2007) ★★★★½
- Horrible Bosses (2011) ★★
- Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves (1997) ★
- Home Alone (1990) ★★★
- Highlander II: The Quickening (1991) ★★
- Her (2013) ★★
- Hellboy (2004) ★★★★
- Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) ★★★★
- Hell Fest (2018) ★
- Heavy Metal (1981) ★★★
- Hancock (2008) ★
- Halloween (2018) ★★½
- Hackers (1995) ★★★★½
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) ★★★★½
- Groundhog Day (1993) ★★★★★
- Grindhouse (2007) ★★½
- Green Lantern (2011) ★★½
- Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000) ★★½
- GoldenEye (1995) ★★★★
- G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013) ½
- Ghostbusters (1984) ★★★★★
- Ghostbusters II (1989) ★★★★
- Ghost Rider (2007) ★★½
- Get Out (2017) ★★★★★
- Galaxy Quest (1999) ★★★★★
- Furious 7 (2015) ★★½
- Fright Night (2011) ★★★
- Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984) ★★★
- Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) ★★★
- Forrest Gump (1994) ★★½
- Flubber (1997) ★★
- Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within (2001) ★
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) ★★★★½
- Faust: Love of the Damned (2000) ★★½
- Fast & Furious 6 (2013) ★★★
- Fargo (1996) ★★★★★
- Fantastic Voyage (1966) ★★★★
- Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) ★★★½
- Evolution (2001) ★½
- Evil Dead (2013) ★★½
- Evil Dead II (1987) ★★★★½
- Event Horizon (1997) ★★★★
- E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) ★★★★
- Escape from New York (1981) ★★★★
- Equilibrium (2002) ★★★
- Enemy Mine (1985) ★★★
- Ender's Game (2013) ★
- Elysium (2013) ★★
- Elektra (2005) ½
- EGG (2018) ★★★★
- Edge of Tomorrow (2014) ★★★★
- Drunken Master II (1994) ★★★★
- Dredd (2012) ★★★★★
- Dragonball Evolution (2009) ½
- Dope (2015) ★★★★★
- Doom (2005) ½
- Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013) ★★½
- Doctor Strange (2016) ★★½
- Django Unchained (2012) ★★★★
- District 9 (2009) ★★★★
- Dirty Harry (1971) ★★★
- Die Hard (1988) ★★★★★
- Demolition Man (1993) ★★★
- Death Proof (2007) ★★½
- Death Note (2017) ★★
- Deadpool (2016) ★★★★
- Deadpool 2 (2018) ★★★½
- Dave Made a Maze (2017) ★★★½
- Daredevil (2003) ★
- Curse of Chucky (2013) ★★½
- Cult of Chucky (2017) ★★
- Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) ★★★★
- Crank (2006) ★★★★
- Crank: High Voltage (2009) ★★★
- Cowboys & Aliens (2011) ★★
- Contact (1997) ★★★★
- Constantine (2005) ★★★
- Coneheads (1993) ½
- Cocoon (1985) ★★
- Coco (2017) ★★★★★
- Cloud Atlas (2012) ★
- Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) ★★★★
- Clerks (1994) ★★★★★
- Class of Nuke 'Em High (1986) ★★
- Chopping Mall (1986) ★★★★
- Child's Play (1988) ★★★★½
- Children of Men (2006) ★★★★½
- Chappie (2015) ★★
- Catwoman (2004) ½
- Casino Royale (2006) ★★★★½
- Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) ★★★★
- Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) ★★★★
- Captain America: Civil War (2016) ★★★
- Burn After Reading (2008) ★★
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) ★★★★
- Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) ★★★
- Bright (2017) ★
- Brave (2012) ★★★½
- Bowling for Columbine (2002) ★★★★
- Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006) ★★
- Blade (1998) ★★★
- Blade Runner (1982) ★★★★½
- Blade Runner 2049 (2017) ★★½
- Blade II (2002) ★★★★
- BlacKkKlansman (2018) ★★★★★
- Black Panther (2018) ★★★★★
- Black Christmas (2006) ★
- Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014) ★★★
- Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) ★★★★
- Big Trouble in Little China (1986) ★★★★
- Bicentennial Man (1999) ★★½
- Beauty and the Beast (2017) ★★
- Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) ½
- Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993) ★★★★
- Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (2000) ★★★½
- Batman Begins (2005) ★★★★
- Batman & Robin (1997) ★★
- Bad Boys (1995) ★½
- Bad Boys II (2003) ★★
- Back to the Future (1985) ★★★★★
- Back to the Future Part III (1990) ★★★★★
- Back to the Future Part II (1989) ★★★★★
- Baby Driver (2017) ★★★★★
- Avengers: Infinity War (2018) ★★★
- Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) ★★★
- Avatar (2009) ★★½
- Attack the Block (2011) ★★★★★
- Atomic Blonde (2017) ★★½
- Assassin's Creed (2016) ½
- Assassination Nation (2018) ★★★★½
- Arrival (2016) ★★★★★
- Army of Darkness (1992) ★★★★★
- Armageddon (1998) ★★½
- Ant-Man (2015) ★★★
- Annihilation (2018) ★★★★★
- An American Werewolf in London (1981) ★★★★★
- Amélie (2001) ★★
- Altered States (1980) ★★
- Aliens (1986) ★★★★
- Alien (1979) ★★★★★
- Alien: Covenant (2017) ★★
- Airplane! (1980) ★★★★★
- A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) ★★★
- Æon Flux (2005) ★
- Across the Universe (2007) ★★½
- Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012) ★★
- A Serious Man (2009) ★★½
- A Scanner Darkly (2006) ★★★
- A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) ★★★★
- A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) ★★★
- A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) ★★★★½
- A Knight's Tale (2001) ★★½
- A Good Day to Die Hard (2013) ★
- A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014) ★★★
- 28 Days Later (2002) ★★★★
- 2010 (1984) ★★½
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) ★★★★★
- 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) ★★★
- 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) ★★★★
- 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) ★★★★★
- Innocent Lies (1995) ★★
I think in a detective story one is supposed to do detecting using like deductions, magnifying glasses, interviews, those sort of things. If your protagonist gets all his answers with his dick that's not a detective story, I don't know what it is.
- Dead Man's Hand (2023) ★★½
"I wish I had a bulletproof heart"
Me too end credits. There's a lot of people really trying in this, but it really does not come together. I'm giving extra credit here because I like the idea of using style, camerawork and editing to make it look like a spegetti western and I can tell they're trying for it, but they leaned a little too much on editing tools to do it and doesn't quite work.
- Sex Guaranteed (2017) ★★★
This movie is carried on the back of Dayne and Dorff, both of whom are just charming and great. It's too bad the protagonist is written terribly and played by a zero charisma actor and it punctures the whole thing. That said, I'm still pretty surprised that this film seems to have never hit theaters, I'm curious what the heck happened to this film.
- S.F.W. (1994) ★★★★
Cliff Spabbed so Caleb could West Elm.
Pure uncut 90s, with surprising number of familiar faces.
- Cold Creek Manor (2003) ★★½
Minus half a star for some of the lamest music cues I've ever heard.
- Alone in the Dark (2005) ★½
- Dracula 2000 (2000) ★★★
I'm unclear on if this is intentionally or accidentally a comedy.
- Blue Beetle (2023) ★★★½
Look it's pretty good. It could be better, they could have cleared some of the fight time to make more room for character work. The villain especially could have done with some more background, though I appreciate the meta of having Susan Sarandon play a lean-in lady CEO with a long history in the military-industrial complex. A lot of the good you'll get out of this movie is absolutely dependent on how much meta stuff you came in with. But the end, though perhaps not totally earned, really picked up a lot.
- Shadowboxer (2005) ★½
- FearDotCom (2002) ★★
Looks good, makes no sense
- Meg 2: The Trench (2023) ★★½
At about the two thirds mark I saw this movie try really hard to be Rush Hour for about 15 minutes and now I really want to see Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker vs the Giant Shark.
- Cecil B. Demented (2000) ★★★★
A lot of fun and honestly more relevant than ever. I'm just saying: the opening of this film shows all the theaters booked with Star Wars and Star Trek. Time is a circle.
Also, this film has 4 Oscar nominees, so time has won out on its side.
- The Italian Job (2003) ★★★★
Still great!
- Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023) ★★★★★
How is this so good?!
- The Flash (2023) ★★★
It's just like... DC understands they can just make Elsewhere movies and that's cool right? Could have skipped the whole Flash parts and gone right to the good stuff.
And like, if you want to make a fancy CGI animated movie, just do that, could have just more animated films.
- Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023) ★★★★
This was a perfectly well-working fun film. I enjoyed it. I could hear what people were saying and see what was going on. It looked good! I laughed! A fun swords and sorcery film! What a pleasant surprise!
- Evil Dead Rise (2023) ★★★½
I had fun!
- Renfield (2023) ★★★½
I dunno why they didn't release this in October? Like for Holloween? Or do real promotion? It's dumb, but fun!
- The Legend of Tarzan (2016) ★★
Why does this look so bad?
- Scream VI (2023) ★★★½
Look, this movie isn't bad. But why even bother to set it in NYC when they barely cared to make it look like NYC? You can totally just set your movie in Montreal if you want.
- The Christmas Tapes (2022) ★½
Paranormal Perry: "Yeah, I probably shouldn't have done that"
Me, after watching every other segment: Yeah, I feel that sentiment.
- Retro Puppet Master (1999) ★★★
Toulon, it turns out, was not so great at the actual performance of puppet shows.
- Scary Movie (2000) ★★
Wow, this is much worse than I remembered.
- Le Bonheur (1965) ★★★★½
Wow this is dark!
- From Hell (2001) ★★★½
It's certainly making choices, but they aren't always good ones. Sometimes they're interesting ones.
- Blood Relatives (2022) ★★★★
More Jewish vampires please!
- Dark Water (2005) ★★★★
Elevated horror before anyone called it that or knew how to market it.
- Run Sweetheart Run (2020) ★★★★
I think this is fun! Occasionally heavy-handed, but clever, intentional, interesting directorial choices that work well with the solid acting. Fun to see some new feeling interesting ideas; and the story gestures at lore and cosmology within its universe that give you room to think and even create space for interesting follow-ups without forcing dumb cliffhangers. It doesn't need a sequel, but in the world of horror it's a better candidate then most. Good stuff!
- Romeo + Juliet (1996) ★★★
Look, Leo's acting hasn't changed between this movie and the present. So, I think, if they'd just replaced Claire Danes with a bear in this film Leo could have gotten his Oscar for this one and we could have all been saved a lot of drama. And really, just imagine how much crazier the editing would have been!
- Rockula (1990) ★★★
Absolutely ridiculous, in the best way.
- See How They Run (2022) ★★★½
Imagine Cabin in the Woods but for Agatha Christie mysteries
- Mass Hysteria (2019) ★★★
Cute little film!
- The Automat (2021) ★★★
Charming, but I would love to know more about the parts they glossed over, especially unionization efforts.
- The Lodge (2019) ★★½
This movie is like a himbo. Looks good, trying hard, but oh boy is it dumb. Yeah, it's a mimbo.
- Disney Channel's Theme: A History Mystery (2022)
- Enola Holmes 2 (2022) ★★★½
Was not expecting Holmes Family Follies presents A Brief History of Unionization but ok I'll take it.
- Lightyear (2022) ★★★
I'm not really sure who this movie is supposed to be for, but I appreciated that someone found a way to get this much money spent on their previously unpublished Star Trek fanfic
- R.I.P.D. 2: Rise of the Damned (2022) ★★½
They keep trying to remake Men In Black and it keeps not working.
- The School for Good and Evil (2022) ★★★
Hard to believe it but apparently the key to changing the world for the better is to use your magic powers to force a bunch of birds to drop a load on the town bullies.
Also, please more unleashing Charlize Theron to eat all the scenery whenever possible.
- Star vs. the Forces of Evil: The Battle for Mewni (2017) ★★★½
- Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) ★★★½
This is the movie everyone was down on?! Not only is it a perfectly good and fun film, it's definetly better than maybe half the Marvel films that are already out there.
- The Last Winter (2006) ★★★
What if The Happening was good actually.
- Aliens vs Predator: Requiem (2007) ★★
I'm sorry, what's going on? Can you turn the lights up a bit? I can't see!
- Intruder (1989) ★★★★
This was fun! Great special effects and creative camera work. Not as bonkers as if Rami directed, but Scott Spiegel is having fun with the shots in a similar way. Better than most cheap modern horror.
- Seance (2021) ★★½
The way this ended I now want Suki Waterhouse to wander America, the woman with no name. Every week she encounters a new mystery and ghost and must solve the case, beat up the bad guy and amble out of town at the end, staying one step ahead of the law which wishes to unfairly imprison her while trying to clear her name and return to her beloved girlfriend.
- Haunt (2019) ★★½
Sort of mean, and not in a good way.
- Orphan: First Kill (2022) ★★
Look here's a clean handkerchief. Just wipe the vaseline off the camera lens please!
- Choose or Die (2022) ★★½
It's fine. It's not great, but it's not terrible. I liked the music.
- Unfriended: Dark Web (2018) ★★★
Smarter and better put together than its predecessor. But getting Skyped by a ghost was more fun.
- Glorious (2022) ★★★★
The HP Lovecraft bottle episode. Very inventive.
- The Day of the Beast (1995) ★★★½
I had fun with this one!
- The Gray Man (2022) ★★
Why do all the fight scenes suck? Isn't the whole point of this movie for the fight scenes? What am I missing here? Is this a satire or a joke or something?
- The Scary of Sixty-First (2021)
This movie was either 1 or 4 stars and I can't decide which. But it was definetly something.
- Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) ★★★★
Putting aside that this is the sort of deep cut victory lap for Marvel that would have been basically impossible even a mere 5 years ago; and putting aside the rewind on Wanda's character development; this was a fun movie! More fun then most of the Marvel films, more interesting to watch, and a genuinely decent use of Benedict Cumberbatch who I usually can't stand.
- Jurassic World Dominion (2022) ★★★
There's a good movie in here somewhere but at about an hour in the whole thing falls apart into random dino encounters like they're rolling them on a table and it never really pulls itself back into shape.
- Darkness (2002) ★½
- The Resonator: Miskatonic U (2021) ★★½
- Miskatonic U (2021) ★★½
- Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (2022) ★★½
Glad I didn't pay money to watch this mess.
- Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) ★★★★★
Wow, what a range for one film!
- Dracula Untold (2014) ★★½
Honestly, we should have gotten a second one if these with Charles Dance just tearing up the screen. Every minute he's in this all I want is more.
- Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996) ★★
I gotta respect that they blew out that budget at the end, crazy monster, special set, big boom.
- Hawkeye (2021) ★★★★
Man... are the 2020s the decade where Marvel actually leverages all this crazy multi-platform TV and Movies stuff to orchestrate some lengthy character arcs that really hit with a long windup followed by a hell of an emotional punch?
Also... did this TV show retroactively make the Black Widow film way better?
Unexpectedly great!
- American Psycho II: All American Girl (2002) ★★
Impressive that every music cue in this film is the exact opposite of what it should be.
- Scary Movie 5 (2013) ★½
Try as they might they can't make it as stupid as an actual Paranormal Activity film.
- The King's Man (2021) ★★
Shockingly bad decisions abound!
The Kingsmen films made a name for themselves in a period of increasingly grim self-serious spy films by turning the clock back with a pastiche of the genre that allowed them to return to the days of silly puns, crazy devices, ludicrous villains and world-ending plots. For better and worse it was a return to an older era of spy films more interested in having fun, both in the script and on-screen, then proving out their "realism".
So, it is baffling that the most recent film decided that it would follow up the fun with a grim self-serious historical wartime spy melodrama. All of the verve, fun, and cleverness has gone. We are left with a rather boring tale and little color on display. The result might have been interesting if it had satisfied itself with operating at the margins or leaned into an alternate history take, but instead the characters make futile play in a sandbox where almost everything is pre-determined while they mostly attempt to foil events the results of which we already know. There might have been some charm available from the cast but, with the exception of Rhys Ifans as Rasputin, everyone has apparently been strictly instructed to keep a stiff British upper lip, including--in a total waste of an actor--Ralph Fiennes who had apparently been instructed never to emote.
Finally, the script is worse of all. The more one reads Mark Millar's work the harder it is to avoid his weird conservatism that, at times, feels it can lean far right enough to make neighbors with the alt-right. It seems that the gravity of Millar's politics is so heavy that even this film cannot escape. By the end we've been instructed very seriously in the script's Big Meanings which, as far as I can tell, are:
Pacifism is bad.
Monarchy is Good (the best actually).
Communism is a plot by the global elites and fake.
Lenin was best friends with Hitler in their attempt to take over the world.
Long live the British Royalty and woe to any who might wish their independence.
All US Presidents are Bill Clinton actually and US democracy is a weak joke.The film is clearly one with a message and that message is apparently this truly stupefying collection of bs. When it comes to the end and the final victory is the main character firmly declaring his rejection of pacifism you can only come to the conclusion that this movie isn't just a mess... it's actual crap. And worse... apparently deeply invested in some sort of sketchy anti-democratic monarchy porn. And, since it has rejected the tone and style of its predecessors, it isn't even a bad movie that is fun to watch. It's just the worst.
- The Suicide Squad (2021) ★★★★
Look this movie made me tear up for The Ratcatcher 2 so, yeah, it's pretty great.
- Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) ★★½
Why any of this?
- The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1995) ★★★
The original Cabin in the Woods.
- Mortuary (2005) ★★★½
I'm amazed that no one has ever recommended this to me. Great acting, creepy decomposing urbanity, some very clever shots and Lovecraftian mold monsters. In many ways this reads ahead of its time, residing instead in the late aughts where the housing crash created dozens of decomposing suburbs like seen here, where populations could and did disappear for reasons unknown.
- The Columnist (2019) ★★★★
Very solid! Also really great performance from Katja Herbers.
- The Many Saints of Newark (2021) ★★½
What was the point of any of this and what was going on at any point and also why edit it like this? Why why why?
- Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021) ★★★
Watching the new Ghostbusters movie was like watching an old band at a big event, they played all the hits, covered some recent hits by other people, then threw their long dead member on stage as a hologram to run some sample to combine with a new track.
- Don't Look Up (2021) ★★½
I dunno man... it just feels so self satisfied and yet in such bad taste.
- The Dead Don't Die (2019) ★★★
Is this a climate allegory?
- Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City (2021) ★★½
Makes the old Resident Evil films look like Citizen Kane. How'd the CGI get worse?
- Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987) ★★★
A lot of impressive homage to other horror, though not a ton of originality. Fun though!
- Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013) ★★★½
- Charm Circle (2021) ★★★★★
Quite an engrossing portrait of its subjects, a captivating watch.
- Bloody Hell (2020) ★★★½
Tight, well put together film. A lot better than I expected and totally badly represented by the marketing.
- Super Hot (2021) ★★★
I dunno, this was sort of adorable. I laughed. I enjoyed it. It whizzed by. Good music too. It looked like everyone was having fun.
- Midnight Mass (2021) ★★★★½
This was so excellent and so badly marketed. You should watch it.
- The Hitcher (2007) ★★½
It's not so much bad as a remake with so little to say that it manages to duplicate almost every beat of the original but muddle the plot and timing anyway in such a way as to remove any suspense.
- Old (2021) ★★★½
Probably the first film I've seen where it's very clearly filmed for audiences assuming they've seen the trailer and playing with their expectations.
- The Orange Years: The Nickelodeon Story (2018) ★★★★
Surprising and sweet!
- You Can't Kill Stephen King (2012) ★½
I was going to give this two stars for being filmed competently but then there was that godawful flashback to 20 minutes ago and even worse dream sequence so -.5 of a star for those disasters.
- False Positive (2021) ★★½
It's not so much that this movie is bad, it's mechanically fine. It is just slow and filled with empty spaces and unmotivated dream sequences. The movie seems on the cusp of having a better plot, or a more thought out point, but instead it uses the arty horror techniques of a typical A24 film to cover its own lack of a real point or theme. It's a shame because most of the parts are there, a slight tweak might make it clearer, or more entertaining, or more interesting. Instead it has ended up as tone lacking a solid organizing idea.
- Dead End (2003) ★★★½
"Everything's so fucked up on this goddammed road"
- Halloween Party (2019) ★★½
Filmed surprisingly competently for a film filled with what appears to be Snapchat-filter-generated monsters.
Next time, they should play for less drone shots, more spending on monsters.
- Species (1995) ★★★
A surprising number of big names in this.
- The Dead Zone (1983) ★★★½
Still a pretty great film with lasting relevance, even if the end comes on a little fast.
- Cadaver (2020) ★★★
Look, we all enjoyed Sleep No More.
- Fear Street: 1978 (2021) ★★★
It got better towards the end but this sort of suffered from a bad case of middle chapter.
- Bo Burnham: Inside (2021) ★★★★
The deeply discomforting question is not "is this or is this not authentic?" but instead the challenge "would you rather this was artificial or authentic?" and then "what does that mean about you?".
- The Conjuring (2013) ★★★★½
Wow, when this series isn't phoning it in it can really pull off some good horror.
- Benny Loves You (2019) ★★★
Plus a half star for some seriously fun toy on toy fights.
- Skeletons in the Closet (2018) ★
Having two characters sarcastically comment on how stupid and confusing your movie is doesn't make it a good movie.
- Waxwork II: Lost in Time (1992) ★★★
The first Waxwork was a satire, this one is a very very silly farce, but it's good fun with folks hamming it up to great effect, especially Bruce Campbell.
- Waxwork (1988) ★★★
Sort of a juvenile Cabin In The Woods, in a good way!
- The Lockdown Hauntings (2021) ★½
Dumb ending and also why did the person running around outside not wear a mask?
- Rattlesnake (2019) ★★½
Some good performances and direction in here, but just a terrible hackneyed bad-logic script.
- The Mitchells vs. The Machines (2021) ★★★★
Awww, this was very cute. Also, surprisingly on the nose criticism of big tech snuck in here and there.
- Space Truckers (1996) ★★★
I don't understand how this exists and how I've never heard of it before because it's wild. I mean, cyborg Charles Dance with robot d*ck jokes weird. Just wtf??!? How did this film happen, can someone please explain?!?
- Sky Sharks (2020) ★★
I loled
- Fantastic Four (2015) ★
Not even bad in an interesting way
- Slaxx (2020) ★★★
Better than I expected, but I really didn't like the ending. It was still a fun watch though!
- Dirty Computer (2018) ★★★★
This is quite an impressive thesis statement from Monáe. Def an amazing thing to watch, especially in the larger context of the rest of her work.
- Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) ★★
Well.... it is better than the original version, but it still ain't good. I sat down and saw the whole thing though, this weird weird thing that somehow exists. Now I'm ready for an entirely new DC universe with someone else's hands on the wheel.
- Tentacles (2021) ★★½
No cellphones in this universe huh?
- Space Sweepers (2021) ★★★★½
What if Firefly, but better, with better effects, less stereotypes and no uncomfortable feeling that you're rooting for the confederacy?
- Witchboard (1986) ★★★
Very 80s
- Promising Young Woman (2020) ★★★★
Really great, interesting and engaging framing, color use and integration of music. Clever, if depressing, film that looks great and really pulled me along the whole time.
Some scenes were a little too much and I get the ending, I appreciate it conceptually, but it feels like it was from a decade or two ago.
- The Washingtonians (2007) ★★★½
Oh my god every ridiculous moment, stupid face, and completely silly sentence is just B movie gold.
- Dream Cruise (2007) ★★½
I found this one of the more incoherent Masters of Horror episodes, unclear back stories, some of the events are less mysterious more confusing, but some pretty great effects.
- Homecoming (2005) ★★★
Weirdly current.
- J.R. “Bob” Dobbs and The Church of the SubGenius (2019) ★★★★½
Really the perfect Christmas movie!
- Unknown Origins (2020) ★★★
Everything moves a little too fast, but other than that, it's pretty solid. The ending is a very weird choice though if you really think about it.
- Abnormal Attraction (2018) ★½
At least it has a decent signature song.
- Run (2020) ★★★
I mean, it's fine, could have been a lot more, but it's fine.
- All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006) ★★
Aggressively meh that thinks it's smarter than it is.
- The Lie (2018) ★★½
Meh. Watch the better Amazon Original version of this in Blow The Man Down.
- Deathgasm (2015) ★★★
- Speed Racer (2008) ★★★★
Give me more films where John Goodman kicks all the ass!
- Call Me Lucky (2015) ★★★★★
- The New Mutants (2020) ★★★
I liked it more than I thought I would!
- Bad Hair (2020) ★★★★
A lot more serious and clever than implied by its marketing, this one is a solid smart horror flick that's well put together and entirely engaging. I recommend it.
- The Craft: Legacy (2020) ★★★½
Not a perfect film but it hits right.
- Disappearance at Clifton Hill (2019) ★★★½
A little slow to start, but quite good.
- Teddy (2020) ★★★½
Maybe I missed some French context but I am unclear where that mob came from.
- They're Watching (2016) ★★★
This could've been a very solid horror comedy if it wasn't for the unnecessary total tone shift for like 25 minutes before the big silly ending. But hey you're not going to have a bad time with it.
- American Nightmares (2018) ★★★½
An ok half season of tales from the crypt, but a little more typical.
- Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020) ★★★
Better than the first one and almost as good as The Meg. A solid middle of the road shark film that is entertaining throughout.
- Host (2020) ★★★
Chronicle meets Unfriended. Which is both more and less of a compliment than it sounds.
- Selfie from Hell (2018) ★
Bad jump scares, nonsense plot, bad music. Why does this exist?
- Stake Land (2010) ★★★½
Cleanly made, creative in concept and very well written, very well acted. I really enjoyed this as a departure from some of the standard monster apocalypse fare. Also, some great movie music, not fancy, but solid.
- Late Phases (2014) ★★★★
I really liked this, so clever, so smartly put together. It has heart. I recommend it!
- Leprechaun Returns (2018) ★★★
I loled
- Brahms: The Boy II (2020) ★½
I don't know why I watched this and I definitely don't know why you should.
- Blow the Man Down (2019) ★★★½
A well-paced and well-put-together little film that is quite smartly executed for both directors' first feature film. What really pulled it over the top for me was some of the creativity in portraying the setting and a number of rather excellent performances, especially the two stars Sophie Lowe and Morgan Saylor; along with a typically great performance by Margo Martindale. If there was any major flaw it was that I would have liked more time with some of the other characters. Ended up enjoying it way more than I expected.
- Resolution (2012) ★★★½
Slogs a little in the middle, but otherwise solid.
- Vamps (2012) ★★★½
Look, it's no masterpiece, but everyone is having so much fun you gotta have fun with them and it's made with care and some nice attention to detail. It is not a hidden classic, but I really don't understand why it never got a wide release.
- The Rental (2020) ★★½
- Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016) ★★
Having now re-watched this after re-watching the entire series it is an especially baffling entry. One of the things that made the W. S. Anderson RE films stand out in the series was their clear, easy-to-understand, action and the bright, relatively high contrast, look, that made them pretty fun. This one is an Anderson film, but it is plagued by extremely low-contrast, difficult to see, shots; a lot of very dark scenes; and just incredibly, almost sickeningly, choppy editing only compounded by some overly shaky hand-held work. I really don't know what happened with this film to make it so gross to watch, but it is a shame that a series that seemed to have fun with its concepts ended up going out on such a grim, unoriginal, and unpleasant entry.
- Justice League Dark (2017) ★★★
Fine little story, though nothing like the team in the book.
- Splice (2009) ★★★
When I found out this was made by the same people who made Cube suddenly it all made sense.
- What Lies Beneath (2000) ★★★
We get it Zemeckis, you like Hitchcock.
- Bones (2001) ★★★½
A good looking film with some solid practical effects and hey... also Snoop, performing on key, along with a solid cast overall. And also Pam Grier! The main issue is the editing: some weird choices about how to organize the film and it dragging a bit.
- You Should Have Left (2020) ★★½
I'm sorry the age difference between Seyfried and Bacon is just so so distracting. It's pretty standard, too much so, and competently put together... But come on, they are like 30 years apart and that kid is like 8... Oy.
- The Room (2019) ★★★
It isn't so much an evil holodeck as it is morons using it, but it's quite well done on a technical level. It's a pretty movie that could have used a better plot.
- The Covenant (2006) ★
Hard to believe this didn't sink all of their careers, but good for a laugh! But definite points for the line "Harry Potter can kiss my ass"
- Z (2019) ★★★
Tracy is great in this, but the plot just degenerates towards the end and the cgi is... not great.
- After Midnight (2019) ★★★½
There were some points that put me off, but that third act was a hell of a thing.
- Scare Package (2019) ★★★
It was solid fun. I laughed!
- Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films (2014) ★★★★
This was wonderfully charming and I enjoyed the heck out of it.
- Tamara (2005) ★½
I dunno, maybe just watch Jennifer's Body and The Craft instead and then if you still really need to see some gore, Final Destination.
- Good Boy (2020) ★★★½
- Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers (1988) ★½
So the twist is that there is no twist?
- Stage Fright (2014) ★★★
It's fine and it has Meat Loaf but it's no Anna and the Apocalypse.
- Pure (2019) ★★½
This is a better Into the Dark entry, though it gets weaker at the end. There is a lot if good in there to balance out the last minute blowout of bad. The highlights include some clever good-looking camera work and Jahkara Smith, who sells every scene 100% and deserves to be in a much better film than this one.
- Matinee (1993) ★★★★
Damn John Goodman is one charming mfer. This is a fun film, and he pushes it over the top
- DeVour (2005) ★★
- Never Surrender: A Galaxy Quest Documentary (2019) ★★★★
Just lovely.
- A.M.I. (2019) ★★½
Perfectly dumb, I laughed a bunch.
- Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020) ★★★★
Give them all more movies and also more Birds of Prey movies!
I just had a ton of fun in this film!
- Knives Out (2019) ★★★★½
It's hard to remember the last time I had so much fun watching a film. Rare as it is, this one was just a lot of fun.
- Doom: Annihilation (2019) ★½
Neither interestingly bad nor particularly good. Meh.
- Margaret (2011) ★
Wow, impressively this film made me actively dislike everyone in it. What a slog.
- Ghostland (2018) ½
- Hail Satan? (2019) ★★★★★
Really enjoyed this film, excellently done. A great subject and technically well done with a number of really interesting interviews.
This list is heavily seeded from an export of my Letterboxd account. It's layout is inspired from Branden Higby's movies library in their digital garden.